Why is the Golden Paintbrush is in Trouble?

  •     Habitat loss due to development (Wayne, 2004),  there were more than 30 sites in the Puget Trough of Washington and British Columbia, and as far south as the Willamette Valley of Oregon (Caplow, 2004)
  •    Fragmented habitat which restricts the gene flow between populations (Kaye, 2011)
  •    Fire Suppression which allows invasive woody species to take over prairies and turn them into woodlands(Kaye, 2011), examples of  invasive woody species: douglas fir, shrubs (wild rose), scot’s broom (Caplow, 2004)
  •    Tall, competitive invasive grasses out compete and crowd out the golden paintbrush (Kaye, 2011)
  •     Herbivore by voles (Kaye, 2011)


  1. again, see comments on "about golden paintbrush tab".
    Nathan Churches

  2. A bit more detail would go a long way. Try explaining how exactly the invasive grasses are affecting the golden paintbrush.
